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Moving Change of Address Cards and Message Templates

Moving Change of Address Cards and Message Templates

Moving Change of Address Cards and Message Templates


If you’re an adult, there’s a very good chance that you’ve moved homes at least once in your life. The reasons people choose new horizons are a varied as the people themselves — marriage, job opportunities, school, and upgrading your living space are the most common reasons for finding a new place to live.  

 Whatever your situation, moving means that everyone you know won’t be able to find you. Moving change of address cards exist to help smooth this transition. They spread the word of your move and distribute your new address to everyone you feel needs it. 

 If you recently moved and you’re having a difficult time deciding on an appropriate message for your change of address cards, we can help. Below you’ll find several message templates that you can use as they are or adapt them to your purposes.

What to Include in Your Change of Address Cards

The most important thing to include in your change of address cards is, of course, your new address. But there are a few other things you might want to include as well:

  • Your old address so that people can update their records 
  • Your phone number, in case anyone needs to get in touch with you urgently 
  • Your email address so that people can send you non-urgent messages 
  • The date of your move so people know when to start using your new address 
  • A note about any forwarding arrangements you've made in case your mail gets lost in the shuffle

With all of this information on your new address cards, you'll be sure to stay in touch with the people who matter most to you, and your "we just moved" cards will make an impact.


In truth, you don’t need anything in a change of address card besides your name and your new address. But spartan content like that will leave your readers feeling they’re on the outside. They won’t have any insight into why you moved, how you feel about the transition, and how things are going so far. 

 In short, they’ll feel left out in the cold while you stay warm in your new digs. Make sure that doesn’t happen by composing a short message to accompany your address information. At the very least, you should include basic pleasantries. Otherwise, you’re just sharing information and not making an emotional connection with your recipient. 

 Let’s look at a few ways to share your new status with others.

SEE ALSO:  Congratulations On Your New Home: Housewarming Wishes Ideas

A card with a van moving a christmas tree.

Fill in the Gaps

People are busy. It’s likely that most of the people you know won’t realize you were planning a move. Use your moving change of address card to fill in the details. Let people know why you moved, how you’re feeling, and the new opportunities that exist because of your change.

  • In case you didn’t know, we moved! Leslie got a great job out-of-state, and as much as we loved where we were, it was an opportunity she couldn’t turn down. So now we live in Idaho! Here’s our new address. 
  •  Sometimes you move because you want to, while other times you do it because you have to. With the addition of little Deandre, our two adult, four children family just couldn’t work with three bedrooms anymore. We hope you’ll come visit our new, bigger house where we finally all fit! 
  •  Most of you know that David was recently accepted into a Ph.D. program. You might not realize that he’ll be attending the University of Pennsylvania…and we lived in South Carolina. Not anymore! We just got a new place, and we’ll be moving by the end of the month. Visit us at our new address!

Try a Poetic Turn

Poetry is a great way to share your new address while giving your friends something fun to enjoy. Try these short verses:

  • The trucks are gone, our boxes stowed, our move is now complete, except to share our new address so you can find the street! 
  •  It was time for a change, and we needed more space. Now we’re hoping you’ll come to visit and see our new place! 
  •  Big news, our friends, we’ve moved! Our address is new. We’re sharing it here because we really hope to see you! 
  •  We might be hanging our coats beside a new front door, but all of you are still as welcome as you ever were before! 
  •  We’ve moved, and if you look you’ll find our new address below. Please don’t be a stranger. Stop by and say, “hello!”
A card that says "we have a new home" with a picture of a key.

Use a Dash of Humor

The subject matter of a moving change of address card isn’t particularly weighty, so they’re a perfect opportunity to be funny. Try these lighthearted announcements: 

  • If you’re seeing this card, it’s because we’ve moved and we want to ensure you’ll know where to find us. All those who didn’t get an announcement won’t know it happened and can’t take it personally! 
  •  There’s only one thing harder than packing up and moving every single thing you know, and that’s making a million dollars in the stock market. Guess which one this card is announcing? We’ll give you a hint; we opted not to upgrade our envelopes. 
  •  They said “Buy a house! Put down roots! You and your kids will blossom where you’re planted!” So we did. And then we did it again. And now we’ve done it a third time. Our roots are getting a little tired of being replanted! Here’s where we’re blossoming now. 
  •  We’ve moved! It’s a chance to start over and design the life we want from the ground up. Except we already had the life we wanted, and you’re an important part of it. Please find our new address on this card so that we can keep most things the way they were, just in a new place!

Go the Sentimental Route

Moving can stir up your emotions. Share them with your friends and family as you share your new address. 

  • A new home is a new beginning, and we can’t wait to share ours with you! You’ll find our new address below. Please use it to find us in the future! 
  •  They say that home is where the heart is, but we don’t think that’s true. Our home is where we live, and it can change. Our heart is with all those that visit it, and that’s forever. We hope you’ll come to visit us in our new place! 
  •  We’ve made so many great memories in our house over the years. Now it’s time to start making new ones, in a new place, but hopefully with all the same people — you! Here’s our new address, so we never lose touch.
A woman showing off her personality in the mirror.

Infuse Your Unique Personality

It's your moving announcement. Make it reflect who you are and what this change means for your life. Include your new mailing address and a healthy dose of extra flair to create change that's uniquely you.

  • We have some exciting news to share… we’re moving! We’ve outgrown our current place, and we’re moving to a new home that better suits our needs. This move is a fresh start for us, and we can’t wait to share our new home with you. Please update your records and use our new address for all future correspondence. We hope to see you soon! 
  • It’s official – we’ve moved! We’re now in our new home, and we’re loving it. Everything is still a bit chaotic as we unpack and get settled, but we’re excited for this new chapter in our lives. We wanted to make sure everyone knew where they could find us. Our new address is [address here.] 
  • We have some exciting news to share… we’re moving! We’ve outgrown our current place, and we’re moving to a new home that better suits our needs. This move is a fresh start for us, and we're more excited than we can express. Please update your records and use our new address for all future correspondence. We hope to see you soon! Love, The Smith Family P.S. Our new address is [address here.] 
  • We’ve moved! We’re now in our new home, and we’re loving it. The boxes are still everywhere, but we’re excited to get into our new life. We wanted to make sure everybody knew we were at [address here.] Phew, we’ve finally moved into our new home! It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. We’re excited to start this new chapter in our lives, and we hope you’ll come and visit us soon. Our new address is: 
  • We can't wait to have you over to our new place – it's going to be so much fun! We've already started unpacking, and we're just about ready for guests. Our new address is: [address here]
A couple smiling at each other as the unpack.

Moving Announcement Quotes

Sending moving announcement postcards is a great way to express yourself, but that doesn't mean you always have to use your words. I well-placed quote can go a long way toward evoking the mood you're after. Try these when announcing your next new location.

  • “Change is a great and horrible thing, and people love it or hate it at the same time. Without change, however, you just don’t move.” -Marc Jacobs 
  • “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” -Walt Disney 
  • “It’s a wonderful world. You can’t go backward. You’re always moving forward. It’s the wonderful part about life. And that’s terrific.” -Harvey Fierstein 
  • "There’s nothing wrong with being content with where you are, but if you have that nagging voice in your head tell you to 'just go!' then do it. Comfort zones are, well, comfortable, but they’re also a place where possibilities are limited and opportunities are minimal. Just do it. " – Brittani Dick 
  • "Gaining the courage to leave home was the seed I had planted. I reaped a bountiful harvest, overflowing with dignity and pride — a concept lost on me, but for the lessons I learned at home." – Unknown 
  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein 
  • "I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you've done." -Robert Downey, Jr. 
  • "Any time there's a major change, whether it's going into a relationship, getting out of a relationship, moving to a new city, a death -- that usually provides a catalyst for an explosion of creativity." -Lucinda Williams 
  • “Every dreamer knows that it is entirely possible to be homesick for a place you’ve never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground.” -Judith Thurman

Should You Send Address Labels?

If you want to ensure yourself a flood of good wishes and a future of happy, handwritten mail from friends and family, address postcards and include them in your envelope. Alternatively, you can have custom change address labels printed, with nice pink flowers or whatever your preferred style. Add a few into each of your moving announcements and your friends will be able to reach to you easily. 

 Mailing your moving announcements doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it can be a fun way to let your friends and family know about your big change. With a little creativity, you can make sure your postcards stand out and get the message across clearly. And don't forget to include your new address!

A woman holding a plant, sitting on a ladder with moving boxes around her.


Whether you’re packing in preparation for or unpacking after a move, you don’t have a lot of spare time. As important as change of address cards are, it’s easy to let them fall by the wayside while you get more critical things finished. Let Simply Noted take your card responsibilities off your shoulders. 

 All you have to do is choose a card design and upload a message and your addresses, and our handwriting robots will take over, creating warm, authentic-feeling change of address cards that are personalized for each recipient. 

 You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you, turning your new house into a home. Let Simply Noted handle your change of address cards so that you can focus on settling in.

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