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5 Reasons to Send Your Remote Workers Handwritten Letters

5 Reasons to Send Your Remote Workers Handwritten Letters


During the pandemic, remote worker rates climbed dramatically. We learned through that ordeal that many more jobs than we thought were possible from home. We redefined what an office looks like, no longer constrained by the wall of an office, and that will have repercussions for years to come. In fact, many of these employees are still away from the office, and many businesses have learned to thrive with a remote workforce. 

 But how do you keep in touch with them meaningfully? Emails and Zoom calls keep employees connected to their work, but how do we keep them connected to each other? That’s where handwritten letters enter. Here are five reasons you should be sending them to your remote workers.

SEE ALSO:  The Art Of Handwritten Notes "How To Expand Your Business with Handwritten Notes in 2021"


This entry is the number one reason to send handwritten cards to your remote employees, and it’s where handwritten cards shine

 Your remote employees deal with the difficulties of distanced work each day, and even with the myriad distractions surrounding them, they get their work done. This dedication deserves the occasional thank you. They’re demonstrating how trustworthy they are. Their commitment in the face of the temptation to take extended lunch breaks or just surf the web all day is reason enough to show them gratitude. 

 Handwritten thank you cards are a highly personal expression of gratitude that fits well into a business setting, assuming you use Simply Noted. Because what business has time to handwrite thank you cards for each of their remote employees? Depending on the size of your workforce, even a single round of cards can take a long time to complete. Now imagine sending them regularly! 

 Simply Noted makes it possible by automating the process. We’ve built a handwriting machine farm that uses real ballpoint pens and advanced smart fonts to create amazingly realistic handwritten results. Unless your employees know your handwriting, they’d never know you didn’t fill out the cards yourself. And since we offer the option of replicating your handwriting, they would never know you spent almost no time completing your cards. It’s a win-win!

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Close up of a person lighting a sparkler-style birthday candle on a cake.


When you don’t see your employees face to face every day, it’s easy to forget the little moments worth celebrating. Handwritten birthday cards remind your workers that they’re important to the company and worthy of attention. 

 Handwritten birthday cards play to another of Simply Noted’s strengths. Instead of having to track each worker’s special day and get cards out on time, you can schedule all of your cards for the year, and our system will write them out and drop them in the mail automatically, guaranteeing on-time delivery. You can schedule your cards out in advance, so you never run the risk of missing an important event. 

 Automated handwritten cards are great for birthdays or any regular event. You can use them to celebrate employee anniversaries each year as well. It’s truly a set-it-and-forget-it technology. Do the work once, and reap benefits with your staff far into the future.

SEE ALSO:  10 Best Birthday Quotes and Wishes


During the pandemic in 2020, it was common to see businesses sending employees care packages with little treats to help with morale and support a feeling of connectedness while we were all still locked down. 

 One office we know sent every worker a “make your own margarita” kit through the mail so that everyone could participate in a virtual Cinco De Mayo office celebration. Others sent gift cards to help people deal with financial difficulties. These were team-building exercises first and foremost, so giving the gift was more important than the specifics. 

 Gift cards are the perfect way to reward loyal remote workers and thank them for their efforts. Best of all, they fit easily in a handwritten envelope. With Simply Noted, you can include gift cards with your handwritten notes easily. You simply choose a retailer and a dollar amount. Your gift cards are added to your order and dropped in with your handwritten card when we mail them. Sending a gift, along with a warm, handwritten message, has never been easier.

SEE ALSO:  Gift Ideas You Can Fit in an Envelope

The interior of an office environment.


It can be easy to lose touch with your coworkers and your physical office space when you work from home. Zoom calls and Teams meetings are a good replacement for in-person meetings, but participants still feel separated by the distances between them. Handwritten letters are an excellent opportunity to reach out and send a small piece of yourself and, by extension, the home office. 

 Consider that your employees get hundreds of emails each day, many of which are uninteresting, uninspired sales material and other spam content. If you were to send out an email to try and keep people connected and committed, what are the chances that they’ll see it? And if they do, how special could one email among hundreds feel? 

 Handwritten letters are different. They take time to complete and require individualized attention to create a unique, meaningful communication. They’re like a handshake or a pat on the back, rendered in the written word. A short, poignant handwritten message can make your remote workers feel at home — while they’re at home.

SEE ALSO:  15 Ideas to Say "Welcome to the Team" for New Employees

A group of employees smiling, standing arm in arm.


Let’s face it. For all of its benefits, working from home can be an isolating, lonely experience. You spend your day interfacing with people you never get to see in person. You never get to laugh at a joke all in the same room or shake hands at the start of a sales meeting. Over time, this isolation can drag down company morale, taking productivity along with it. 

 To combat this, send “just because” handwritten cards. Let your workers know that you’re thinking of them and that you’re all still a team, even if that team is spread across the planet. With Simply Noted, it’s easy to send quick, personalized messages to your entire staff. With our various software integrations, you can link your CRM, HR, or marketing software with our servers to make automated cards — in any volume —  as easy as the tap of a button. 

 Don’t let your remote workers feel alone. Connect with them the simple way, with Simply Noted.

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